Batch 2 - Cycle 2 (30 days) Report And so, 30 days in (After seeding, germination, and transplant) and the lettuces are growing well. No adverse signs of infection, or burnt tips (yet?). Fingers crossed, they stay healthy and strong! Generally, EC is kept to about 600. pH measurement is about neutral. Honestly, not measuring pH regularly right now. EC is measured about once every 2 days. The challenge now is which lettuce is which? This is the result of transplanting any healthy-looking sprouts to the net pots. An alternative view, from the side. So time to make a little educated and experienced guess. Starting from the top and left, the label is 01, and moving to the right, it's 02, and so on. The bottom left is therefore 07, and followed through to 12. My guess is: 1 - Lettuce 211; 2 to 5: Butterhead; 6 - Lettuce 211; 7, 8 - Grand Rapids, 9 to 12: Lettuce 211;