Pump trouble! Initially I thought it may be caused by root debris. So did the usual clearing step.of turning off the Pump, unplug the top inlet pipe and then blow into it to clear any detritus. Unfortunate this didn't work despite a few attempts. So decided to do a whole system clean up. Spent a total of 2.5 hours dismantling, hosing down, cleaning, and reassembly. And that's where I found the issue. Instead of root detritus, there were signs of calcification over the Pump metal net. Wondering if it was caused by the addition of H2O2. Anyways brought a hard sponge to it and removed the caked up solids. Afterwhich I tested out the Pump after cleaning the inlet and outlet. That's when the cotton bud I used, got caught and the cotton ball was stuck inside the Pump! So I did what any self-respecting trained ex-mechanical engineer would do. Unscrewed the housing, and cleared the Pump turbine. Did a thorough clean up as well. After reassembling the pump, I tested it out in a cup ...