Spring Cleaning Time! Chinese New Year is just around the corner, and so out with the old and in with the new! Cleared all the remaining Cos and Butterheads, and seeded new pots of Cos using pelleted seeds! Transplanted some BH to individual pots, thereby thinning the overpopulated pots. Adjusted the pots to the one nearest to the water outlet free, for measurements and topping up of ABC. Thinned out the Lollas too, but kept a few healthier looking ones alone. Will thin again in a day or two once it is clearer which is the fittest. Topped up with 10ml AB and 2L of water. Why just AB? Cause the Lolla looks a little yellow. Suspect that it's short of Nitrogen. Rearranged the bottom Tier. to leave the BHs in a row, nearest to the front, and moved the basils and strawberry mints to the back, together with the GR microgreens. A side story. Seeded some wasabi mustard Microgreens from Bootle's Farm. DATA This time took readings fro Tier 1 and 4. Results are rather similar. EC1400 pH6....