It's CNY Eve!
And amidst all the preparations, completely forgot to take any data!
Good news is that all seem to be growing well!
So let's log some info on system maintenance.
Algae issue
Some algae started to form around some leca after seeding of new Cos seed batch. Likely due to wet leca. Fortunately issue is not pervasive and as the leca dries off, the algae issue seems to have taper off.
Instead, some white powdery substance seem to form on some of the the leca. Suspect that this is calcium deposit. Likely due to the introduction of calcium nitrate.
A slight rubbing action can easily remove this white powder.
Healthy Roots
According to Benn from Bootle's, signs of healthy roots are the "clean", crisp touch of the roots. If the roots feels slimy to the touch, then it is an indication of problem with the system. So far the roots feels healthy and therefore delaying the need of cleaning and reseting the system. This sample is from a 22 days young Cos lettuce.
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